We are masters of our own mythology, preaching truths that are based on fear and dread. During WWI General Smuts gave a series of speeches, some rather wonderful, but many based on the premise of the manifest destiny of white, British citizens and the moral and ethical obligations of the white races to introduce civilization to those of color, while maintaining white rule and racial separateness.
Poems and music for random performance. Panties, music and Cagean chance combine to make this new edition. The I-Ching was cast on a daily basis as the panties were chosen and written about for the day. Musical values were assigned to each line of the I-Ching and "plunked -out" in the computer notation program for various instruments. The I-Ching casts were interpreted and combined in unexpected ways with the panty writings to create this edition that is both book and performance. The measures of music may be combined in any order to create your own unique symphony. An enclosed CD lets you listen to one possible version.