Binder's board, handmade paper
& paint
A broken doric column from which emerges the beautiful work of a much maligned and misunderstood poet. She was the first female poet, commanding great respect in Ancient Greece. Parents would send their daughters to her as to a finishing school. It is only recently, in more repressive times, that Sappho's life has been somewhat slandered. Yet her poems (fragments as they are) remain among the most beautiful ever written.
D.H. Lawrence was a peculiar man of great intellectual vigor and creativity. HIs scandalous marriage to Frieda was tempestuous and rife with rituals of violence and reconciliation. He demanded great devotion from his friends, attempting to control and change them for their own improvement. He eventually became estranged from all of them. He was passionately devoted to his own ideas, but would abandon them in a flash. His contemporaries considered him brilliant, but ultimately impossible. While he wrote many banned pages about the importance of a freer, mystical, almost religious sexuality, he remained, at heart, a Puritan. He was apparently never able to achieve the peace and pleasure, the "mystical union" that he sought. Here stands a reliquary for his hopes.